Our Legacy

    In the fall of 1857, John Winans, a 26-year-old lawyer from New Jersey, brought his family to Janesville, Wisconsin, and opened a law office. Winans would later become mayor of Janesville, a member of the Wisconsin Assembly, and a United States Congressman.

    In 1877, Winans took on a partner, Ogden Fethers, who had been a professor of English Literature at Washington University in St. Louis. In 1883, Winans and Fethers hired a young Rock County native, Malcolm Jeffris, who, at age 21, had just been admitted to the bar. These men were the original foundation of the law firm which is now known as Nowlan.

    Over the years, Nowlan has been the professional home for generations of lawyers who have been instrumental in the growth of Janesville and the Rock County community. These lawyers helped form Rock County's economic and cultural base. They were instrumental in the formation of the original Samson Tractor Company, which later became General Motors Assembly Division, and in the formation of Parker Pen Company. They also volunteered their time and advice to help make our community what it is today.

    Below are just a few of the long line of alumni attorneys who not only practiced law with excellence but also were leaders in the community. They set the bar high, and all of us at Nowlan continue to strive to uphold this legacy.


    Bruce R. Briney


    James R. Cripe


    Dennis L. Hansch


    Frederick L. Wesner

    Get in Touch

    Your full-service, community-minded law firm for over 130 years.

    The attorneys and staff at Nowlan are ready to answer your questions and offer timely assistance. No question is too small, no request too insignificant. We are here to help. We look forward to hearing from you and working together.



    100 South Main Street
    Janesville, WI 53545


    (608) 755-8100


    M-TH: 7:30AM – 5:30PM
    F: 7:30AM – 5PM
    Sat: Closed
    Sun: Closed

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