Nowlan is a proud Main Street sponsor of the Janesville Town Square Gran Prix! The inaugural two races of the Tour of America’s Dairyland Series, presented by Blain’s Farm and Fleet. Racers and spectators will enjoy a course that not only showcases Janesville’s scenic location and interesting architecture, but also offers views of our newly completed Town Square with its fun interactive water feature sculpture The Bubbler and the lovely Blain Gilbertson Family Heritage Bridge featuring the Resilience sculpture. Click here to learn more!
Cost: Free for spectators (Free Parking)
Location: Downtown Janesville – – Janesville, WI 53545
Categorized as: Bike
Phone: (608) 757-3171
Things for Kids: Yes
Date(s): 6/17/21-6/18/21 10:00 AM-8:30 PM